Spirit of Invention

The National Archives

The Brief

As part of their “Spirit of Invention” season, The National Archives invited school children to submit designs for their own inventions.

After receiving over 200 wonderful, creative (and often zany) inventions, TNA wanted to turn a selection of these into short animations to bring the designs to life.

The Animations

Eloise’s invention has wheels, a mechanical arm and a console for entering instructions. I decided the screen should display the details of the toy being searched for, and created a range of toys for the invention to seek out or ignore.

Toy Detector

by Eloise

Claudia’s design features some beautifully drawn flowers, and would be extremely useful if, like me, you always forget to water your plants. I included a bee as I thought Claudia’s flowers deserved a visitor.

Self-watering Plant Pot

by Claudia

Machine to Make Sure You Get Out of Bed

by Bella

Bella’s hilarious invention was too good to be passed up. Bella’s excellent illustration works perfectly on its own, so I tried to focus on making the moment of pie-to-face delivery as satisfying as possible.

Brooke’s charming robot is here to help, with a beautifully observed tea-towel thrown over over one shoulder. Intriguingly, in Brooke’s original design they included an “emergency stop” function.

The Robot Cleaner is very cheerful, but I suspect it could make quite a mess of your house if left unattended.

Robot Cleaner

by Brooke

Maggie’s magnificent dog is the star of the show: a wonderfully imperious pooch, clearly used to being pampered.

Scented Dog Dryer

by Maggie

Bobby’s inventions features a self-locking hedgehog house, two (!) mechanical arms and, most importantly, a hedgehog. To try and help bring Bobby’s excellent hedgehog drawing to life, I recorded my own snores and snuffles

Self-feeding and Self-locking Hedgehog House

by Bobby

Ella’s robot features sensors (front and rear), a prehensile nozzle for sucking up clothes and handy bags for storing the collected clothes. There’s something pleasingly elephantine about the nozzle.

Clothes Picker-Upper

by Ella

All-New Audiomatic Disco Bathroom

by Daniel

Clothes De-Creasing Hanger

by Amy

The Combi-Showerhead

by Callum

Three designs were chosen as part of a special presentation to a participating school. All the designs submitted by these pupils were brilliant, but these three were selected due to their ingenuity and visual appeal.

Daniel’s witty design was beautifully illustrated and cried out for a colourful (and musical) animation.

Amy’s design was an ingenious solution to an age-old problem: ironing is boring.

Playful and vibrantly illustrated, Callum’s design for an automated shower experience included a variety of colourful elements (including a robotic arm!)


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